Table of Contents
Author: Riyaz Panjwani
In this assignment, we will implement neural style transfer which resembles specific content in a certain artistic style. For example, generate cat images in Ukiyo-e style. The algorithm takes in a content image, a style image, and another input image. The input image is optimized to match the previous two target images in content and style distance space.
In the first part of the assignment, we start from random noise and optimize it in content space. In the second part of the assignment, we ignore content for a while and only optimize to generate textures. This builds some intuitive connection between style-space distance and gram matrix. Lastly, we combine all of these pieces to perform neural style transfer.
Part 1: Content Reconstruction
We implemented content-space loss and optimize a random noise with respect to the content loss only. The content loss between two images can be provided as below:
Side by Side comparison
Part 2: Texture Synthesis
In order to perform texture synthesis, we use style transform for conv layers 1,2,3,4,5 as it is able to capture most of the texture from the style image. We use noise input in this case too.
Side by Side comparison
Part 3: Style Transfer
On the left is the time-taken using Input as Content Image & on the right side, we use input image as noise. However, the content loss is very high initially for noise image input & the batch size oscillates, while in the content image case it is pretty consistent as expected. Note, that training was carried out on CPUs. We found that the training was much faster on GPUs.
Hyper-parameters were tuned for various values of mean & standard deviation for the noise images, a number of epochs & convolution layers for style and content loss. The best results are reported below. The quality saw a significant improvement on adding histogram loss, training it longer, and the performance was faster on GPUs than on CPUs.
Poisson Blending + NST
Preserve Luminance of the Context Image
Histogram Loss
Mixed Transfer
Super Resolution
Controlling Perceptual Factors in Neural Style Transfer
NST on Videos
We have applied frame by frame NST on videos & then applied temporal smoothening as mentioned in this paper. Note that we have used a pre-trained model for faster computation.